Hypnosis Center of Anchorage - Deborah Faithrose, CH, CI - Certified Professional Hypnotist, Speaker, and Instructor

Private Hypnosis Sessions

Hypnosis is one of the easiest and quickest ways to make permanent and positive changes in your life.

Faithrose Hypnosis Center will guide you to the realization that you already have the power within you to greatly improve your life. Hypnosis is the key to unlock your potential.

The following are examples of life challenges and issues that can be corrected, helped, and changed through the power of hypnosis. At Faithrose Hypnosis Center, we have helped people find permanent solutions with the issues listed below. If you have an issue that requires specialized experience, I’ll be happy to refer you to a colleague in the area that can support you in your self-healing.

I have chosen to specialize in, Smoking Cessation, Weight Management, Trichotillomania (hair pulling), Chronic Pain Management, and Fears to provide you with the absolute highest success rate. These topics often deal with extremely entrenched habit patterns and require a more complete understanding of possible solutions.

You owe it to yourself to investigate the possibilities that can be yours by calling 907-717-9771.

Behavioral Changes

Trichotillomania (hair pulling)
Weight issues
Nail biting
Bed wetting
Low self esteem

Health and Harmony

Pain management
Chemo Nausea
Pre & Post surgery prep
Stress and Tension
Guilt & Greif
Mental blocks
Anger issues
Sleep disorders
Enhanced energy & vitality

Overcoming Fears

Public speaking
Test Nervousness
Closed-in places
Dental visits

Success and Accomplishment

Improve study habits
Improve memory & concentration
Enhance sports performance
Inspire your creative abilities
Become self confident
Develop winning attitude

Personal Growth

Self discipline
Sales Motivation
Improving relationships
Age Regressions
Attract abundance
Goal Setting

Psalm 19:14 May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

To schedule an appointment, or a speaker for your event,
call Deborah
at 907-717-9771 or
972-620-7673 | Email: [email protected]

© Copyright 2017 Deborah Faithrose, CH, CI Certified Professional Hypnotist, Speaker, and Instructor.
All rights reserved.