Hypnosis Center of Anchorage - Deborah Faithrose, CH, CI - Certified Professional Hypnotist, Speaker, and Instructor

Corporate Enrichment Programs
Corporate Hypnosis Training

Bringing Faith, Hope, and Love Back into the Work Place

If your corporation can answer YES to any one of the following three questions, then you and your staff will profit from "Corporate Enrichment Programs."

1. Is your corporation over-spending on health insurance because of smoking and/or over-weight staff members?

2. Would you love to see your staff inside working instead of outside smoking?

3. Would you love to have a healthier staff with less absenteeism due to unnecessary illnesses?

Companies who have used this program include AT&T, Raytheon, and Bose. The corporate hypnosis training program is successful because we utilize three essential elements such as behavior modification, subliminal messages, and hypnosis.

Stop Smoking: Become a "Smoker-Free" Company

Lose Weight: The Perfect WeighTM

Control Stress: Easy Breezy, Stress-Free Me

Questions Most Commonly Asked:

What is the success rate of participants?
90% with those who follow the corporate hypnosis training program.

Where will the corporate hypnosis training program be held?
It can be held in your auditorium or meeting room. If an off-site location is needed, the company will absorb the cost.

When is the best time to present the corporate hypnosis training program?
The best time is at the convenience of the participants. It can be presented during working hours or if you want to invite family members to attend, then evening hours may be best.

Who pays for the program?
Most companies pay the full fee for their staff while others have the participants pay and offer a reimbursement when they stay smoke-free for 30 days or reach their goal in one of the other programs. Still other companies will split the cost with participants.

Is there a minimum or maximum amount of people required to attend to conduct the corporate hypnosis training program?
The corporate hypnosis training program is most effective when 25 to 100 people are in attendance.

What is the cost to conduct the corporate hypnosis training program?
The fee is $35 per person when a minimum of 25 people are in attendance. This includes the 2-hour presentation with each participant receiving a specialized kit containing a hypnotic CD and other tools with instructions for continued success. (Compare this to the average cost of a private hypnosis session which is $100 for one hour.)

What if we don't get the minimum of 25 people?
We will still conduct the corporate hypnosis training program with a simple fee adjustment. For fewer then 25, a flat rate of $875 will be effective to conduct the program. Your company may choose to pay for the program or assist participants with the cost. If staff members pay individually, the flat rate would be evenly divided among the number of people participating. For example, if 15 are in attendance, the cost per person is $58.33. If 10 are in attendance, the cost per person is $87.50.

Can you present the corporate hypnosis training program a second time for those who were unable to attend the first time?
Yes, we can repeat the program with the same fee requirements as above. If during the second program, participants who attended the first time want to attend again, they are welcome to do so free of charge. (Participants attending for the second time, will not receive another specialized kit.)

Will you make a presentation to our management to answer other questions and/or concerns?
We will be happy to meet with your management. Call the number below to set a convenient date and time.

Contact Information

Deborah Faithrose, CH, CI
Faithrose Hypnosis Center
Local Phone: 972-620-7673
Email: [email protected]

To schedule an appointment, or a speaker for your event,
call Deborah
at 907-717-9771 or
972-620-7673 | Email: [email protected]

© Copyright 2017 Deborah Faithrose, CH, CI Certified Professional Hypnotist, Speaker, and Instructor.
All rights reserved.